Since the globalization of clinical trial activities from mid-1990s, there has been a strong demand by investigators and clinical research personnel in those emerging clinical trial regions, such as Asia, East Europe, Middle East, Africa and South America, for professional training based on international clinical trial standards.
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(Professional Research Accreditation for Clinical Trials Investigative Site Executives)。
(Professional Research Accreditation for Clinical Trials Investigative Site Executives)。
To promote the core principles of subject protection, science and data integrity and to facilitate implementation of such principles at study sites, HKU-CTC has developed a unique training program called PRACTISE® (Professional Research Accreditation for Clinical Trials Investigative Site Executives).
PRACTISE®是一個全面的培訓課程,專為滿足臨床研究者、研究協調員及其他研究中心人員的需求而設。此課程包含25個單元,涵蓋三個主要範疇,包括: (a)臨床試驗的概念及合規性;(b)臨床試驗準備;及(c)臨床試驗操作。各單元亦可以實踐環節作補充,包括個案研究、小組討論及測驗。所有PRACTISE®的導師均為資深研究中心管理專業人員,於臨床試驗管理及運作方面擁有實戰經驗。
PRACTISE®是一个全面的培训课程,专为满足临床研究者、研究协调员及其他研究中心人员的需求而设。此课程包含25个单元,涵盖三个主要范畴,包括: (a)临床试验的概念及合规性;(b)临床试验准备;及(c)临床试验操作。各单元亦可以实践环节作补充,包括个案研究、小组讨论及测验。所有PRACTISE®的导师均为资深研究中心管理专业人员,于临床试验管理及运作方面拥有实战经验。
PRACTISE® is a comprehensive training program specifically designed for addressing the needs of clinical investigators, study coordinators and other study site personnel. The program includes 25 modules covering three key areas including (a) clinical trial concepts and compliance; (b) clinical trial preparation; and (c) clinical trial process. Each module can be supplemented by practical sessions comprising case studies, group discussions and quizzes. All PRACTISE® trainers are senior study site management professionals with hands-on experience in clinical trial management and operations.
重點 |
為研究者及研究中心人員提供25個涵蓋主要範疇的選修單元 |
靈活可變,可以自由組合25個單元設計課程,針對參加者需要 |
透過補充實際個案研究、小組討論及測驗,將概念轉化為實際應用 |
導師擁有臨床研究管理及運作方面的實戰經驗 |
備有英文、普通話及廣東話三種語言 |
重点 |
为研究者及研究中心人员提供25个涵盖主要范畴的选修单元 |
灵活可变,可以自由组合25个单元设计课程,针对参加者需要 |
透过补充实际个案研究、小组讨论及测验,将概念转化为实际应用 |
导师拥有临床研究管理及运作方面的实战经验 |
备有英文、普通话及广东话三种语言 |
Highlights |
25 elective modules offering full coverage for investigators and study site personnel |
Highly flexible and can be tailored to meet participants’ needs by building programs from any combination of the 25 modules |
Translating concepts into practice through supplementary practical case studies, group discussions and quizzes |
Trainers with hands-on experience in clinical research management and operations |
Available in three languages including English, Mandarin and Cantonese |
Over the past few years, the PRACTISE® program or its individual modules have been delivered to various study sites, research institutions, hospitals and governmental organizations in Asia, Middle East and North Africa regions such as Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan, mainland China, Malaysia, Vietnam, UAE and Egypt. It is regarded as a very effective training platform meeting the latest requirements in the rapidly changing international clinical trial environment. Its unique perspectives and insights have also gained very positive feedback and acknowledgement from workshop participants.