Learning is a dynamic process and there is no standard way of learning. Provided that a learning method – whether face-to-face workshop, on-line training, self-learning or otherwise – is effective in helping a learner achieve the desired learning outcomes, it is a suitable method to the person.
HKU-CTC offers an Examination on Good Clinical Practice (GCP) for HKU staff or HKU affiliated hospital staff. A candidate successfully passed the examination will be issued a Certificate on GCP .
2024年GCP 考試時間表
2024年GCP 考试时间表
GCP Examination Schedule in 2024
Examination Arrangement
地址: 瑪麗醫院T座6樓臨床試驗中心
地址: 玛丽医院T座6楼临床试验中心
Venue: Clinical Trials Centre, 6/F, Block T, Queen Mary Hospital
時間: 10:00-12:00
时间: 10:00-12:00
Time: 10:00-12:00
註册: 請於已選定之考試日期前最少5個工作天把已填妥之註册表格交回
注册: 请于已选定之考试日期前最少5个工作天把已填妥之注册表格交回
Registration: Please complete and return the registration form at least 5 working days before the preferred examination date.